Can Boxers Bet on Themselves? Exploring the Rules and Regulations

Professional boxing is an exciting sport that attracts millions of fans worldwide. Some professional boxers add more excitement to the sport by betting on themselves during big title fights. However, allowing boxers to place bets is a controversial issue today with many legal and ethical implications.

This article will delve into the issue of whether boxers can bet on themselves and why professional boxers do this even with a guaranteed payday. It will also explore whether amateur boxers can bet on themselves. Additionally, the article will provide examples of boxers who have bet on themselves in the past, including Floyd Mayweather Jr., Keith Thurman, and Tyson Fury.

Key Takeaways

  • Professional boxers sometimes bet on themselves during big title fights, despite already having a guaranteed payday.
  • Allowing boxers to place bets is a controversial issue with many legal and ethical implications.
  • Some famous boxers, including Floyd Mayweather Jr., Keith Thurman, and Tyson Fury, have bet on themselves in the past.

Can Boxers Bet On Themselves?

Boxing is one of the most popular sports in the world, and with that popularity comes a lot of betting. Many people wonder whether boxers are allowed to bet on themselves or against themselves, and the answer is not straightforward. The rules and regulations surrounding betting in boxing vary depending on the country and governing body. This section will explore whether professional and amateur boxers can bet on themselves.

Can Professional Boxers Bet On Themselves?

In the United States, professional boxers are allowed to bet on themselves, but they are not allowed to bet against themselves. According to the Nevada State Athletic Commission, which governs one of the gambling capitals of the world, professional boxers can bet on the outcome if they are sure of their own win. However, they aren’t allowed to make any prop bets such as method or time of victory. For example, a fighter can drag a fight along to make sure that it will last past a certain round. It’s important to note that many reputable bookmakers will refuse these wagers. Boxers who bet against themselves present a huge conflict of interest and is considered illegal. Doing this gives a boxer an incentive to perform poorly, and it is considered match fixing.

Can Amateur Boxers Bet On Themselves?

In the United States, amateur boxers are allowed to bet on themselves. However, the local and state governing bodies of the sport haven’t deemed it illegal. Since amateur boxers don’t get paid, the incentive to bet on oneself is not as strong as it is for professional boxers. One can imagine boxing history littered with desperate boxers making deals with shady bookies and no control over where the money comes from. In the Olympics, self-wagering is strictly prohibited. Although there are no expressed laws enforced by each individual country, participating athletes sign contracts barring them from placing wagers. The most famous example of an Olympic athlete going against this contract is Steve Donnelly, who bet on himself to lose but ended up winning a split decision. When questioned by the Olympic committee, he insisted on losing via fair play and giving his best effort in the competition.

In conclusion, the rules and regulations surrounding betting in boxing vary depending on the country and governing body. Professional boxers in the United States are allowed to bet on themselves, but they are not allowed to bet against themselves. Amateur boxers are allowed to bet on themselves, but the incentive to do so is not as strong as it is for professional boxers. It’s important to note that betting against oneself is considered illegal and presents a huge conflict of interest.

Examples of Boxers Betting on Themselves

Floyd Mayweather Jr.

Floyd Mayweather Jr. is a well-known boxer who has bet on himself in the past. For instance, he placed a $400,000 wager on himself to win under 9.5 rounds for his fight against Conor McGregor. Even though Mayweather was allowed to bet under Nevada regulations, the bookmakers refused to take the bet because of the legal implications.

Keith Thurman

Keith Thurman is another professional boxer who (supposedly) placed a significant bet on himself. He was so sure that he would knock out Manny Pacquiao in the first round that he was willing to place a wager on it. However, this may have just been a bluff to change the odds or get into Pacquiao’s head. In the end, Thurman lost the fight to Pacquiao.

Tyson Fury

Tyson Fury is the most recent famous example of a professional boxer betting on himself. He placed a £200,000 wager that he would beat Wladimir Klitschko. Fury ended up with a win, but considering that he earned £5 million just from participating, it’s hard to see the sense in him making bets.

It is worth noting that while boxers are generally allowed to bet on themselves, there are certain restrictions. For example, boxers are not allowed to bet on themselves during the Olympics. Additionally, boxers are never allowed to bet against themselves. Despite this, there have been reported cases of professional boxers attempting to get around these rules. For instance, in 2003, British boxer Ricky Hatton placed a wager on his own victory in a fight against Kostya Tszyu. However, the bet was voided as it was not allowed.

Overall, while betting on oneself may seem like a good idea, it is important to remember that there are risks involved. Boxers should always consider the potential consequences before placing any bets.


Betting on oneself is a controversial topic in the world of professional boxing. While boxers are usually allowed to bet on themselves, the idea of betting against oneself is strictly prohibited. The Olympics is one major event where boxers are not allowed to bet.

Professional boxers are known to make a lot of money, but the fear of losing is greater than the hope of gain. This is why boxers may bet on themselves to give them an extra incentive to win. However, it is important to note that the gambling money used to bet is personal and not part of the guaranteed payday.

It seems that professional boxers often bet on themselves for show, to increase the hype for the fight and to get into their opponent’s head, regardless of the outcome. It is possible that some boxers may take a loss on their record if they were guaranteed a large sum of money, but this is not a common occurrence.

If you are interested in learning more about boxing odds and betting, there are many resources available. Additionally, if you are looking to purchase boxing equipment, there are many options to choose from including jump ropes, gloves, hand wraps, head gear, shoes, and groin protectors.

Frequently Asked Questions

Legal Implications of Boxers Betting on Their Own Match

Boxers betting on their own match is a complex issue that raises several legal implications. While some jurisdictions prohibit boxers from betting on their own matches, others permit it under certain conditions. For instance, in Nevada, boxers can bet on themselves as long as they disclose their betting activity to the Nevada State Athletic Commission. However, if a boxer is found to have manipulated the outcome of the fight, they could face criminal charges.

UFC Fighters and Wagering on Their Own Fights

The UFC has a strict policy prohibiting fighters from betting on their own fights. This policy is in place to prevent conflicts of interest and to protect the integrity of the sport. If a fighter is found to have violated this policy, they could face disciplinary action, including fines and suspension.

Sports Betting Legislation and Its Effect on Athletes

The legalization of sports betting has had a significant impact on athletes’ ability to bet on their performance. While some states have legalized sports betting, others have not. Athletes who compete in states where sports betting is legal must abide by the state’s regulations. However, athletes who compete in states where sports betting is illegal must refrain from betting on their performance.

Consequences for Athletes Found Betting on Their Own Team

Athletes who are found to have bet on their own team could face severe consequences. In addition to facing disciplinary action from their team or league, they could also face criminal charges. Betting on one’s own team is considered a conflict of interest and a violation of the integrity of the sport.

Placing Bets on Both Competitors in a Boxing Match

It is possible to place bets on both competitors in a boxing match. This strategy is known as hedging and is commonly used by sports bettors to minimize their risk. However, it is important to note that hedging is not foolproof and can result in a loss of money.

Protecting the Integrity of the Sport

To protect the integrity of the sport, governing bodies have implemented strict regulations prohibiting athletes from betting on their own performance. These regulations are in place to prevent conflicts of interest and to ensure that the outcome of the match is not predetermined. Additionally, governing bodies work closely with sportsbooks to monitor betting activity and identify any suspicious behavior.

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