
Shaky Hands After Boxing: Causes and Treatment

After an intense boxing workout, it’s common to experience shaky hands. This can be due to muscle exhaustion, improper technique, or poor nutrition. However, these issues are easily preventable and shouldn’t deter anyone from training.

In this article, the reasons why hands shake after boxing will be explored. Additionally, tips on how to prevent shaky hands will be provided, including proper training, correcting technique, and maintaining a healthy diet.

Key Takeaways

  • Shaky hands after boxing can be caused by muscle exhaustion, improper technique, or poor nutrition.
  • To prevent shaky hands, it’s important to maintain proper training, technique, and nutrition.
  • With the right approach, shaky hands shouldn’t hold anyone back from training.

Why Your Hands Shake After Boxing

When boxing, it is common to experience hand shaking after training or sparring. There are several reasons why this happens, including muscle exhaustion, improper technique, and improper nutrition.

Muscle Exhaustion

Muscle exhaustion is a common reason for hand shaking after boxing. This is especially true for beginners who are not used to the high-impact nature of boxing. Hitting the heavy bag, for example, can disperse a lot of force through the hands, forearms, and shoulders, leading to muscle fatigue and tremors. Additionally, the nervous system needs to get used to the high energy requirement and impact of boxing. As a result, the adrenaline drain after an intense training session or sparring can also cause hand shaking.

To reduce muscle exhaustion, beginners should gradually increase the intensity of their training. As they train more, their muscles will get used to the impact, and their hands will shake less.

Improper Technique

Improper technique is another reason for hand shaking after boxing. Beginners who do not hit the heavy bag correctly may go all out on the bag without thinking about defense, range, or saving their energy levels. This can push them to exhaustion faster and lead to muscle fatigue and tremors.

Clenching the fists too hard or not enough before impact can also cause hand shaking. Clenching the fists too hard drains energy from the hands and forearms, while not clenching the hands before impact can rattle the hands and possibly lead to a hand injury, especially if the hands were not wrapped properly.

To reduce hand shaking due to improper technique, beginners should learn proper boxing technique and focus on defense, range, and energy conservation.

Improper Nutrition

Improper nutrition is the third reason for hand shaking after boxing. Boxing is one of the most calorie-intensive workouts, and without a balanced diet, boxers may suffer from a calorie deficit, leading to lower energy levels. Dehydration and electrolyte imbalance can also cause hand shaking.

To prevent hand shaking due to improper nutrition, boxers should maintain a consistent, healthy diet, stay hydrated, and replenish their electrolyte balance during training with a sports drink.

In conclusion, hand shaking after boxing is a common occurrence, but it can be reduced by addressing the underlying causes of muscle exhaustion, improper technique, and improper nutrition. By gradually increasing the intensity of their training, learning proper technique, and maintaining a healthy diet, boxers can reduce hand shaking and improve their overall performance.

How To Prevent Shaky Hands

To prevent shaky hands after an intense boxing workout, there are three important steps that need to be taken: keep training, fix technique, and fix your diet. By following these steps, one can avoid experiencing shaky hands after a hard training session.

Keep Training

The first step to prevent shaky hands is to keep training. Consistent training sessions will help your body and mind get accustomed to the muscle fatigue. Over time, your cardiovascular health will improve, and your nervous system will get used to the constant impact. Incorporating defense, range, and rest into your rounds can make it easier to handle the heavy bag. It is also recommended to mix up your training with shadowboxing or the double end bag, which will allow you to rest your arms while training your mental flow and accuracy.

Fix Technique

The second step to prevent shaky hands is to fix your technique. Proper punching technique is essential to avoid muscle fatigue and injury. Before starting your workout, it is recommended to go slow and use proper punching technique in front of a mirror. Start with light jabs on the heavy bag and gradually ramp up the intensity. If you have the habit of clenching your fists, work on keeping your hands open and then closing your fist sooner, right before impact.

Fix Your Diet

The last step to prevent shaky hands is to fix your diet. A balanced diet is essential to keep up your calorie intake and avoid skipping meals. Drinking plenty of water throughout the day, not only when you’re at the gym, is also important. It is recommended to hydrate a few hours before your workout and to avoid chugging water in between rounds. Incorporating healthy fats into your diet, such as nuts, Greek yogurt, or a turkey sandwich, can also help. If you feel lightheaded or start to shake, taking a long break and having a sip of water or a small meal can help. All of these factors will ensure that you have maximum energy levels in the ring.

In conclusion, preventing shaky hands after a boxing workout requires consistent training, proper technique, and a balanced diet. By following these steps, one can avoid experiencing shaky hands and improve their overall performance in the ring.


Shaky hands after boxing are a common occurrence, but they can be prevented. To avoid injury, it is important to build muscle endurance, correct technique, and maintain a proper diet. Resting and taking breaks after a strenuous workout is also crucial. To help you choose the right equipment, check out the best boxing jump ropes, gloves, hand wraps, head gear, shoes, and groin protectors. By taking these steps, boxers can ensure they are boxing efficiently and safely.

Frequently Asked Questions

What Causes Hand Tremors After a Boxing Session?

Hand tremors after a boxing session can be caused by several factors, including muscle exhaustion, poor technique, and an unbalanced diet. When muscles are overworked, they can become fatigued and lead to shaking. Additionally, improper technique can cause unnecessary strain on the muscles, leading to shaking. Finally, an unbalanced diet can lead to a lack of essential nutrients needed to maintain muscle health, leading to shaking.

Is It Normal for Hands to Shake Post-Boxing Workout?

It is normal for hands to shake post-boxing workout to some extent. The shaking is a sign that the muscles have been worked hard and are fatigued. However, excessive shaking can be a sign of poor technique or an unbalanced diet.

What Are Effective Methods to Reduce Hand Shaking Following a Boxing Match?

There are several effective methods to reduce hand shaking following a boxing match. One of the most important is to properly hydrate before, during, and after the match. Dehydration can lead to muscle fatigue and shaking. Additionally, proper nutrition is essential to maintain muscle health and prevent shaking. Finally, adequate rest and recovery time between matches is necessary to allow the muscles to recover.

How Long Is It Expected for the Shaking to Persist After Boxing?

The length of time that shaking persists after boxing can vary depending on the individual and the severity of the shaking. In most cases, the shaking should subside within a few hours to a day after the match. If shaking persists for longer than this, it may be a sign of a more serious underlying issue and medical attention should be sought.

Can Punching with Significant Force Lead to Hand Shaking, and How Can It Be Alleviated?

Punching with significant force can lead to hand shaking, especially if the technique is poor or the muscles are fatigued. To alleviate shaking, it is important to focus on proper technique and to avoid overworking the muscles. Additionally, proper hydration and nutrition are essential to maintain muscle health and prevent shaking.

Are There Any Long-Term Effects Associated with Hand Shaking from Boxing?

There may be long-term effects associated with hand shaking from boxing, especially if the shaking is a sign of an underlying condition such as Parkinson’s disease. However, in most cases, shaking after boxing is a temporary condition that does not lead to long-term effects. It is important to properly care for the muscles and seek medical attention if shaking persists for an extended period of time.

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